バージョン : Windows版(OpenFOAM-v2106-windows-mingw.exe)
基本的な流れはT703 OpenFoam tipsと同じです。(または作業)
//チュートリアルからサンプルをコピーしておきます。// //リソースフォルダからflange.ansファイルをコピーします。// //コマンド:メッシュ作成 blockMesh //計算実行// simpleFoam //ParaView用VTK変換// foamToVTK
//初期フォルダ・ファイル構成 pitzDailyExptInlet ├ 0 │ ├ epsilon │ ├ k │ ├ nut │ ├ nuTilda │ ├ omega │ ├ p │ └ U ├ constant │ ├ boundaryData │ │ └ inlet │ │ ├ 0 │ │ │ ├ epsilon │ │ │ ├ k │ │ │ └ U │ │ └ points │ ├ transportProperties :物性値 │ └ turbulenceProperties :乱流設定 └ system ├ blockMeshDict :ブロックメッシュ定義 ├ controlDict :解析ジョブ設定 ├ decomposeParDict :並列計算設定 ├ fvSchemes :ソルバー設定 └ fvSolution :ソルバー設定
設定確認 epsilon
//ファイル:epsilon// dimensions [0 2 -3 0 0 0 0]; internalField uniform 14.855; boundaryField { inlet { type timeVaryingMappedFixedValue; setAverage 0; offset 0; } outlet { type zeroGradient; } upperWall { type epsilonWallFunction; value uniform 14.855; } lowerWall { type epsilonWallFunction; value uniform 14.855; } frontAndBack { type empty; } }
設定確認 k
dimensions [0 2 -2 0 0 0 0]; internalField uniform 0.375; boundaryField { inlet { type timeVaryingMappedFixedValue; setAverage 0; offset 0; } outlet { type zeroGradient; } upperWall { type kqRWallFunction; value uniform 0.375; } lowerWall { type kqRWallFunction; value uniform 0.375; } frontAndBack { type empty; } }
設定確認 nut
dimensions [0 2 -1 0 0 0 0]; internalField uniform 0; boundaryField { inlet { type calculated; value uniform 0; } outlet { type calculated; value uniform 0; } upperWall { type nutkWallFunction; value uniform 0; } lowerWall { type nutkWallFunction; value uniform 0; } frontAndBack { type empty; } }
設定確認 nuTilda
dimensions [0 2 -1 0 0 0 0]; internalField uniform 0; boundaryField { inlet { type fixedValue; value uniform 0; } outlet { type zeroGradient; } upperWall { type zeroGradient; } lowerWall { type zeroGradient; } frontAndBack { type empty; } }
設定確認 omega
設定確認 p
dimensions [0 2 -2 0 0 0 0]; internalField uniform 0; boundaryField { inlet { type zeroGradient; } outlet { type fixedValue; value uniform 0; } upperWall { type zeroGradient; } lowerWall { type zeroGradient; } frontAndBack { type empty; } }
設定確認 U
dimensions [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0]; internalField uniform (0 0 0); boundaryField { inlet { type timeVaryingMappedFixedValue; offset (0 0 0); setAverage off; } outlet { type zeroGradient; } upperWall { type noSlip; } lowerWall { type noSlip; } frontAndBack { type empty; } }
設定確認 transportProperties
transportModel Newtonian; nu 1e-05;
設定確認 turbulenceProperties
simulationType RAS; RAS { RASModel kEpsilon; turbulence on; printCoeffs on; }
設定確認 boundaryData > inlet > points
// Points 70 ( // min z (-0.0206 0.000125 0) (-0.0206 0.000375 0) (-0.0206 0.000625 0) (-0.0206 0.000875 0) (-0.0206 0.001125 0) (-0.0206 0.001375 0) (-0.0206 0.001625 0) (-0.0206 0.001875 0) (-0.0206 0.00220314 0) (-0.0206 0.00263672 0) (-0.0206 0.00312852 0) (-0.0206 0.00368638 0) (-0.0206 0.00431918 0) (-0.0206 0.00503697 0) (-0.0206 0.00585116 0) (-0.0206 0.0067747 0) (-0.0206 0.00782229 0) (-0.0206 0.00901059 0) (-0.0206 0.0103585 0) (-0.0206 0.0118874 0) (-0.0206 0.0134739 0) (-0.0206 0.0149487 0) (-0.0206 0.0162845 0) (-0.0206 0.0174943 0) (-0.0206 0.0185901 0) (-0.0206 0.0195826 0) (-0.0206 0.0204815 0) (-0.0206 0.0212956 0) (-0.0206 0.022033 0) (-0.0206 0.0227009 0) (-0.0206 0.0233059 0) (-0.0206 0.0238537 0) (-0.0206 0.0243499 0) (-0.0206 0.0247994 0) (-0.0206 0.0252065 0) // max z (-0.0206 0.000125 0.173) (-0.0206 0.000375 0.173) (-0.0206 0.000625 0.173) (-0.0206 0.000875 0.173) (-0.0206 0.001125 0.173) (-0.0206 0.001375 0.173) (-0.0206 0.001625 0.173) (-0.0206 0.001875 0.173) (-0.0206 0.00220314 0.173) (-0.0206 0.00263672 0.173) (-0.0206 0.00312852 0.173) (-0.0206 0.00368638 0.173) (-0.0206 0.00431918 0.173) (-0.0206 0.00503697 0.173) (-0.0206 0.00585116 0.173) (-0.0206 0.0067747 0.173) (-0.0206 0.00782229 0.173) (-0.0206 0.00901059 0.173) (-0.0206 0.0103585 0.173) (-0.0206 0.0118874 0.173) (-0.0206 0.0134739 0.173) (-0.0206 0.0149487 0.173) (-0.0206 0.0162845 0.173) (-0.0206 0.0174943 0.173) (-0.0206 0.0185901 0.173) (-0.0206 0.0195826 0.173) (-0.0206 0.0204815 0.173) (-0.0206 0.0212956 0.173) (-0.0206 0.022033 0.173) (-0.0206 0.0227009 0.173) (-0.0206 0.0233059 0.173) (-0.0206 0.0238537 0.173) (-0.0206 0.0243499 0.173) (-0.0206 0.0247994 0.173) (-0.0206 0.0252065 0.173) )
設定確認 boundaryData > inlet > 0 > epsilon
// Data on points 70 ( //minz 9813.84 9813.84 7231.83 1260.68 1260.68 253.433 253.433 76.6694 76.6694 30.8982 16.0868 16.0868 10.4406 7.39238 4.6135 3.0542 2.39951 2.24094 2.3504 2.93787 3.6326 3.15933 2.71282 2.72062 3.09416 4.18748 7.30754 14.5872 29.1787 73.9208 490.641 3622.84 5549.75 6430.47 6327.27 // maxz 9813.84 9813.84 7231.83 1260.68 1260.68 253.433 253.433 76.6694 76.6694 30.8982 16.0868 16.0868 10.4406 7.39238 4.6135 3.0542 2.39951 2.24094 2.3504 2.93787 3.6326 3.15933 2.71282 2.72062 3.09416 4.18748 7.30754 14.5872 29.1787 73.9208 490.641 3622.84 5549.75 6430.47 6327.27 )
設定確認 boundaryData > inlet > 0 > k
70 ( //minz 2.95219 2.95219 2.03053 0.578138 0.578138 0.395494 0.395494 0.240375 0.240375 0.178115 0.147052 0.147052 0.134358 0.118537 0.0868366 0.0821937 0.0830451 0.0986349 0.0910976 0.0970347 0.0989484 0.100615 0.101638 0.101436 0.093114 0.0807476 0.091841 0.128637 0.195302 0.188586 0.278105 1.68477 2.52454 3.28528 2.20308 // maxz 2.95219 2.95219 2.03053 0.578138 0.578138 0.395494 0.395494 0.240375 0.240375 0.178115 0.147052 0.147052 0.134358 0.118537 0.0868366 0.0821937 0.0830451 0.0986349 0.0910976 0.0970347 0.0989484 0.100615 0.101638 0.101436 0.093114 0.0807476 0.091841 0.128637 0.195302 0.188586 0.278105 1.68477 2.52454 3.28528 2.20308 )
設定確認 boundaryData > inlet > 0 > u
// Data on points 70 ( //minz (5.74803 0 0) (5.74803 0 0) (11.3009 0 0) (13.4518 0 0) (13.4518 0 0) (14.0472 0 0) (14.0472 0 0) (14.2901 0 0) (14.2901 0 0) (14.3668 0 0) (14.3108 0 0) (14.3108 0 0) (14.158 0 0) (13.9312 0 0) (13.7642 0 0) (13.6843 0 0) (13.731 0 0) (13.6463 0 0) (13.6104 0 0) (13.4808 0 0) (13.2398 0 0) (12.9544 0 0) (12.8659 0 0) (12.8727 0 0) (12.9369 0 0) (13.0134 0 0) (13.105 0 0) (13.2712 0 0) (13.5215 0 0) (13.7194 0 0) (13.6965 0 0) (10.5343 0 0) (7.15377 0 0) (4.09142 0 0) (1.31793 0 0) // maxz (5.74803 0 0) (5.74803 0 0) (11.3009 0 0) (13.4518 0 0) (13.4518 0 0) (14.0472 0 0) (14.0472 0 0) (14.2901 0 0) (14.2901 0 0) (14.3668 0 0) (14.3108 0 0) (14.3108 0 0) (14.158 0 0) (13.9312 0 0) (13.7642 0 0) (13.6843 0 0) (13.731 0 0) (13.6463 0 0) (13.6104 0 0) (13.4808 0 0) (13.2398 0 0) (12.9544 0 0) (12.8659 0 0) (12.8727 0 0) (12.9369 0 0) (13.0134 0 0) (13.105 0 0) (13.2712 0 0) (13.5215 0 0) (13.7194 0 0) (13.6965 0 0) (10.5343 0 0) (7.15377 0 0) (4.09142 0 0) (1.31793 0 0) )
設定確認 blockMeshDict
scale 0.001; vertices ( (-20.6 0 -0.5) (-20.6 25.4 -0.5) (0 -25.4 -0.5) (0 0 -0.5) (0 25.4 -0.5) (206 -25.4 -0.5) (206 0 -0.5) (206 25.4 -0.5) (290 -16.6 -0.5) (290 0 -0.5) (290 16.6 -0.5) (-20.6 0 0.5) (-20.6 25.4 0.5) (0 -25.4 0.5) (0 0 0.5) (0 25.4 0.5) (206 -25.4 0.5) (206 0 0.5) (206 25.4 0.5) (290 -16.6 0.5) (290 0 0.5) (290 16.6 0.5) ); negY ( (2 4 1) (1 3 0.3) ); posY ( (1 4 2) (2 3 4) (2 4 0.25) ); posYR ( (2 1 1) (1 1 0.25) ); blocks ( hex (0 3 4 1 11 14 15 12) (18 30 1) simpleGrading (0.5 $posY 1) hex (2 5 6 3 13 16 17 14) (180 27 1) edgeGrading (4 4 4 4 $negY 1 1 $negY 1 1 1 1) hex (3 6 7 4 14 17 18 15) (180 30 1) edgeGrading (4 4 4 4 $posY $posYR $posYR $posY 1 1 1 1) hex (5 8 9 6 16 19 20 17) (25 27 1) simpleGrading (2.5 1 1) hex (6 9 10 7 17 20 21 18) (25 30 1) simpleGrading (2.5 $posYR 1) ); edges ( ); boundary ( inlet { type patch; faces ( (0 1 12 11) ); } outlet { type patch; faces ( (8 9 20 19) (9 10 21 20) ); } upperWall { type wall; faces ( (1 4 15 12) (4 7 18 15) (7 10 21 18) ); } lowerWall { type wall; faces ( (0 3 14 11) (3 2 13 14) (2 5 16 13) (5 8 19 16) ); } frontAndBack { type empty; faces ( (0 3 4 1) (2 5 6 3) (3 6 7 4) (5 8 9 6) (6 9 10 7) (11 14 15 12) (13 16 17 14) (14 17 18 15) (16 19 20 17) (17 20 21 18) ); } );
設定確認 controlDict
結果出力間隔を50→10にしています。 writeInterval 10;
application simpleFoam; startFrom startTime; startTime 0; stopAt endTime; endTime 1000; deltaT 1; writeControl timeStep; writeInterval 10; purgeWrite 0; writeFormat ascii; writePrecision 6; writeCompression off; timeFormat general; timePrecision 6; runTimeModifiable true; functions { streamLines { type streamLine; // Where to load it from (if not already in solver) libs (fieldFunctionObjects); // Output every writeControl writeTime; // writeInterval 10; setFormat vtk; //gnuplot;//xmgr;//raw;//jplot;//csv;//ensight; // Tracked forwards (+U) or backwards (-U) trackForward true; // Names of fields to sample. Should contain above velocity field! fields (p k U); // Steps particles can travel before being removed lifeTime 10000; // Number of steps per cell (estimate). Set to 1 to disable subcycling. nSubCycle 5; // Cloud name to use cloud particleTracks; // Seeding method. seedSampleSet { type uniform; axis x; //distance; start (-0.0205 0.001 0.00001); end (-0.0205 0.0251 0.00001); nPoints 10; } } }
設定確認 decomposeParDict
numberOfSubdomains 4; method hierarchical; coeffs { n (2 2 1); }
設定確認 fvSchemes
ddtSchemes { default steadyState; } gradSchemes { default Gauss linear; } divSchemes { default none; div(phi,U) bounded Gauss upwind; turbulence bounded Gauss upwind; div(phi,k) $turbulence; div(phi,epsilon) $turbulence; div(phi,nuTilda) $turbulence; div(phi,R) $turbulence; div(R) Gauss linear; div((nuEff*dev2(T(grad(U))))) Gauss linear; } laplacianSchemes { default Gauss linear corrected; } interpolationSchemes { default linear; } snGradSchemes { default corrected; }wallDist{method meshWave;}
設定確認 fvSolution
solvers { p { solver GAMG; tolerance 1e-06; relTol 0.1; smoother GaussSeidel; } "(U|k|epsilon|R|nuTilda)" { solver smoothSolver; smoother symGaussSeidel; tolerance 1e-05; relTol 0.1; } } SIMPLE { nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;consistent yes;residualControl { p 1e-2; U 1e-3; "(k|epsilon|omega)" 1e-3; } } relaxationFactors { fields { p 0.3; } equations { U 0.7; k 0.7; epsilon 0.7; R 0.7; nuTilda 0.7; } }
設定確認 streamlines
nLines 10; start (-0.0205 0.001 0.00001); end (-0.0205 0.0251 0.00001); fields (p k U); U U; // Must be last entry #includeEtc "caseDicts/postProcessing/visualization/streamlines.cfg"