バージョン : Windows版(OpenFOAM-v2106-windows-mingw.exe)
基本的な流れはT703 OpenFoam tipsと同じです。(または作業)
//チュートリアルからサンプルをコピーしておきます。// //コマンド:メッシュ作成 blockMesh //計算実行// simpleFoam //ParaView用VTK変換// foamToVTK
//初期フォルダ・ファイル構成 pitzDaily ├ 0 │ ├ epsilon │ ├ k │ ├ nut │ ├ nuTilda │ ├ omega │ ├ p │ └ U ├ constant │ ├ transportProperties :物性値 │ └ turbulenceProperties :乱流設定 └ system ├ blockMeshDict :ブロックメッシュ定義 ├ controlDict :解析ジョブ設定 ├ decomposeParDict :並列計算設定 ├ fvSchemes :ソルバー設定 ├ fvSolution :ソルバー設定 └ streamlines
設定確認 epsilon
//ファイル:epsilon// dimensions [0 2 -3 0 0 0 0]; internalField uniform 14.855; boundaryField { inlet { type fixedValue; value uniform 14.855; } outlet { type zeroGradient; } upperWall { type epsilonWallFunction; value uniform 14.855; } lowerWall { type epsilonWallFunction; value uniform 14.855; } frontAndBack { type empty; } }
設定確認 k
dimensions [0 2 -2 0 0 0 0]; internalField uniform 0.375; boundaryField { inlet { type fixedValue; value uniform 0.375; } outlet { type zeroGradient; } upperWall { type kqRWallFunction; value uniform 0.375; } lowerWall { type kqRWallFunction; value uniform 0.375; } frontAndBack { type empty; } }
設定確認 nut
dimensions [0 2 -1 0 0 0 0]; internalField uniform 0; boundaryField { inlet { type calculated; value uniform 0; } outlet { type calculated; value uniform 0; } upperWall { type nutkWallFunction; value uniform 0; } lowerWall { type nutkWallFunction; value uniform 0; } frontAndBack { type empty; } }
設定確認 nuTilda
dimensions [0 2 -1 0 0 0 0]; internalField uniform 0; boundaryField { inlet { type fixedValue; value uniform 0; } outlet { type zeroGradient; } upperWall { type zeroGradient; } lowerWall { type zeroGradient; } frontAndBack { type empty; } }
設定確認 omega
dimensions [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0]; internalField uniform 440.15; boundaryField { inlet { type fixedValue; value $internalField; } outlet { type zeroGradient; } upperWall { type omegaWallFunction; value $internalField; } lowerWall { type omegaWallFunction; value $internalField; } frontAndBack { type empty; } }
設定確認 p
dimensions [0 2 -2 0 0 0 0]; internalField uniform 0; boundaryField { inlet { type zeroGradient; } outlet { type fixedValue; value uniform 0; } upperWall { type zeroGradient; } lowerWall { type zeroGradient; } frontAndBack { type empty; } }
設定確認 U
dimensions [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0]; internalField uniform (0 0 0); boundaryField { inlet { type fixedValue; value uniform (10 0 0); } outlet { type zeroGradient; } upperWall { type noSlip; } lowerWall { type noSlip; } frontAndBack { type empty; } }
設定確認 transportProperties
transportModel Newtonian; nu 1e-05;
設定確認 turbulenceProperties
simulationType RAS; RAS { // Tested with kEpsilon, realizableKE, kOmega, kOmegaSST, // ShihQuadraticKE, LienCubicKE. RASModel kEpsilon; turbulence on; printCoeffs on; }
設定確認 blockMeshDict
scale 0.001; vertices ( (-20.6 0 -0.5) (-20.6 25.4 -0.5) (0 -25.4 -0.5) (0 0 -0.5) (0 25.4 -0.5) (206 -25.4 -0.5) (206 0 -0.5) (206 25.4 -0.5) (290 -16.6 -0.5) (290 0 -0.5) (290 16.6 -0.5) (-20.6 0 0.5) (-20.6 25.4 0.5) (0 -25.4 0.5) (0 0 0.5) (0 25.4 0.5) (206 -25.4 0.5) (206 0 0.5) (206 25.4 0.5) (290 -16.6 0.5) (290 0 0.5) (290 16.6 0.5) ); negY ( (2 4 1) (1 3 0.3) ); posY ( (1 4 2) (2 3 4) (2 4 0.25) ); posYR ( (2 1 1) (1 1 0.25) ); blocks ( hex (0 3 4 1 11 14 15 12) (18 30 1) simpleGrading (0.5 $posY 1) hex (2 5 6 3 13 16 17 14) (180 27 1) edgeGrading (4 4 4 4 $negY 1 1 $negY 1 1 1 1) hex (3 6 7 4 14 17 18 15) (180 30 1) edgeGrading (4 4 4 4 $posY $posYR $posYR $posY 1 1 1 1) hex (5 8 9 6 16 19 20 17) (25 27 1) simpleGrading (2.5 1 1) hex (6 9 10 7 17 20 21 18) (25 30 1) simpleGrading (2.5 $posYR 1) ); edges ( ); boundary ( inlet { type patch; faces ( (0 1 12 11) ); } outlet { type patch; faces ( (8 9 20 19) (9 10 21 20) ); } upperWall { type wall; faces ( (1 4 15 12) (4 7 18 15) (7 10 21 18) ); } lowerWall { type wall; faces ( (0 3 14 11) (3 2 13 14) (2 5 16 13) (5 8 19 16) ); } frontAndBack { type empty; faces ( (0 3 4 1) (2 5 6 3) (3 6 7 4) (5 8 9 6) (6 9 10 7) (11 14 15 12) (13 16 17 14) (14 17 18 15) (16 19 20 17) (17 20 21 18) ); } );
設定確認 controlDict
application simpleFoam; startFrom startTime; startTime 0; stopAt endTime; endTime 2000; deltaT 1; writeControl timeStep; writeInterval 100; purgeWrite 0; writeFormat ascii; writePrecision 6; writeCompression off; timeFormat general; timePrecision 6; runTimeModifiable true; functions { #includeFunc streamlines }
設定確認 decomposeParDict
numberOfSubdomains 6; method scotch; coeffs { n (3 2 1); }
設定確認 fvSchemes
ddtSchemes { default steadyState; } gradSchemes { default Gauss linear; } divSchemes { default none; div(phi,U) bounded Gauss linearUpwind grad(U); turbulence bounded Gauss limitedLinear 1; div(phi,k) $turbulence; div(phi,epsilon) $turbulence; div(phi,omega) $turbulence; div(nonlinearStress) Gauss linear; div((nuEff*dev2(T(grad(U))))) Gauss linear; } laplacianSchemes { default Gauss linear corrected; } interpolationSchemes { default linear; } snGradSchemes { default corrected; } wallDist { method meshWave; }
設定確認 fvSolution
solvers { p { solver GAMG; tolerance 1e-06; relTol 0.1; smoother GaussSeidel; } "(U|k|epsilon|omega|f|v2)" { solver smoothSolver; smoother symGaussSeidel; tolerance 1e-05; relTol 0.1; } } SIMPLE { nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0; consistent yes; residualControl { p 1e-2; U 1e-3; "(k|epsilon|omega|f|v2)" 1e-3; } } relaxationFactors { equations { U 0.9; // 0.9 is more stable but 0.95 more convergent ".*" 0.9; // 0.9 is more stable but 0.95 more convergent } }
設定確認 streamlines
nLines 10; start (-0.0205 0.001 0.00001); end (-0.0205 0.0251 0.00001); fields (p k U); U U; // Must be last entry #includeEtc "caseDicts/postProcessing/visualization/streamlines.cfg"