作業Tips トラッカー
◇節点荷重の出力 節点番号を指定、複数指定の場合は合計値を出力します。プラスマイナスは、値を0でフィルタします。
trackers of type nodeforce
1 nodes = [1] direction = z- filename = (フォルダパス)\nodeforce_Z-.trk
2 nodes = [2] direction = z+ filename =(フォルダパス)\nodeforce_Z+.trk
3 nodes = [1,2] direction = z filename =(フォルダパス)\nodebase_Z.trk target = [0.0058,0.00001,0.0,0.0001]
◇節点モーメントの出力 モーメントの出力
trackers of type Nodemoment
4 nodes = [1,2] direction = z filename =(フォルダパス)\nodebase_Z.trk
trackers of type energy
5 type = external filename = (フォルダパス)\energy_external.trk
6 type = internal filename = (フォルダパス)\energy_internal.trk
7 type = contact filename = (フォルダパス)\energy_contact.trk
8 type = hourglass filename = (フォルダパス)\energy_hourglass.trk
trackers of type nodedisplacement
9 node = [3] direction = z filename = (フォルダパス)\nodeDisp.trk
trackers of type NodeVelocity
10 node = [4] direction = z filename = (フォルダパス)\nodeVel.trk
trackers of type nodeacceleration
11 node = [5] direction = z filename = (フォルダパス)\nodeAcc.trk
trackers of type Sectionforce
12 nodes = [1,2,3,4] filename =(フォルダパス)\Sectionforce.trk
trackers of type NodeDistance
13 node = [node1,node2] filename =(フォルダパス)\NodeDistance.trk
trackers of type RodForce
14 element = ['要素番号'] filename =(フォルダパス)\RodForce.trk
trackers of type BeamSpring
15 element = ['要素番号'] filename =(フォルダパス)\BeamSpring.trk
